10 minute DIY Luxurious Table top holiday decor Yarn Tree
I don't know about you, but when I see something I like the first thing that pops into my head is, "Can I make that?!" I was recently at one of the big craft stores and spied a cute and classy tree decoration that was made with yarn. Ummm......right up my alley!!

I immediately went home and started gathering my supplies. Here's what you need:
- 9" styrofoam cones. I bought mine from Amazon.
- 11 yards of luxury wool yarn, like Malabrigo Rasta
- scissors
- hot glue gun
- wooden base (optional)
- cinnamon stick (optional)

Starting from the bottom of the cone, begin wrapping your yarn. Because of the nature of the fiber and the material of the cone, the wool will "stick" to the cone nicely. Continue wrapping fairly tightly and pushing the yarn down as you go.

Wrap all the way to the top! Once you get to the top, you can continue to make a little curly cue to cover the top and secure with a little dollop of hot glue. Secure the beginning of the yarn at the bottom of the cone with a little hot glue as well.

If you are using a base, add some hot glue to one side of your cinnamon stick and glue to the bottom of the cone. Next, add hot glue to the other side of the stick and secure to your base.

And VOILA! You have yourself a fabulous holiday decoration in a matter of 10 minutes!

Thanks, great use of leftovers!!